Bidenjak is a keyed wojak variant created by an anonymous individual on /pol/ on November 1st, 2020 halfway through the election, where Trump won by a landslide.
Origin[edit | edit source]
The first instance of Bidenjak was posted in the /ptg/ President Trump general on /pol/ on November 1st, 2020. The meme quickly garnered traction and was posted all over /pol/ in response to Biden's ludicrous campaign. /pol/ jannies, working with the Jewish elites, were quick to delete Bidenjak threads, as well as banning every single Bidenjak poster, to a point where a resistance was organized by the persecuted Bidenjak posters who would start baking innumerable amounts of edits of Bidenjak acting as the janitor. These images would later be hashbanned, it didn't take long for the sophisticated Bidenjak posters to start changing MD5 hashes of their edits however, and those edits would continue to be posted to tease jannies. Eventually, Bidenjak posters were subsequently rangebanned from /pol/ thanks to the help of JIDF.
Bidenjak posters would later reside on /qa/, where they absolutely BTFO'd bunkertrannies and kikespammers beyond recovery. This, in turn, made Bidenjak go viral and as a result was endorsed by Elon Musk, Alex Jones, and other famous right-wing celebrities.
Creator's Identity[edit | edit source]
Some patriots have started looking into the identity of the creator himself. It was revealed to be none other than John Goldberg, an infamous Silicon Valley billionaire who's an avid Trump supporter and Meme War veteran, who was planning to hold an AMA on /qa2/ at some point.[1]
/qa2/triots have started raising concerns of him being Jewish likely due to his last name being "Goldberg", but it's up for debate.