Right-Wing X
Right-Wing X (abbreviated as RW X) is a clique of self-proclaimed "right-wingers" on X who are best known for their disingenuity, retardation, gay and/or tryhard larping, and being unable to formulate a single original meme of their own and resorting to appropriating shit from other internet cultures (i.e. the sharty). These (((people))) aren't considered real right-wingers in any way, they're frauds, and should be avoided at all cost. (((They)))'re shunned upon by /qa2/triots merely because of their addiction to weabshit.
These (((people))) are all Mossad (((puppets))). (((They))) aren't ready for what's coming next.
Notable Right-Wing X factions
- ReportGOD GC - Created by Nuclear with the sole purpose of mass-reporting leftist kike accounts (or any account the group happens to not like in general), they also have their own dead imageboard that barely receives less than 10 posts a day, reportgod.group. The group claimed full responsibility for doxing Lucas Gage and mailing him (((the Torah))) and swatting him.
- BAPtards - A cult worshipping Bronze Age Pervert, who's an unironic kike and Israel shill. Self explanatory.
- Soyjak.party rejects - Known for being insufferable, unfunny imbeciles who think they're special for using soitroon speak outside the shitholes they're inhabiting. See soyjak.party for further elaboration.
- Pro-Israhell Mossad puppets - Bunch of subverting rat kikes convincing every self-proclaimed "right-wingers" that (((Israel))) is actually based & redpilled. Unsurprisingly, the shitskins eat it all up because it's "le heckin contrarian". See JIDF
- Groypers - Unironic faggots and spics. Best known for praising their idol, (((Nick Fuentes))), a known Mossad (((puppet))), faggot and a fraud. Humiliated absolutely everywhere for their retardation.
- The Pseudointellectuals - They write incredibly long, pretentious essays mixed with hieroglyphic word salad, somehow thinking it'll make them stand out. There's nothing really interesting about them.
- BPD "femcels" - kill all foids
Right-Wing X culture
It's all gay larp KEK!
Elon's stance on RW X
Elon has openly expressed his disdain for right-wing X, stating they're not true right-wingers and announced he will be banning most of (((their))) accounts after Trump's inauguration, further making the platform a safe heaven for right-wingers who're actually looking to fight for what's right and stand for freedom on the way. Many /qa2/triots celebrated as no more degeneracy will be hosted on the platform.